6 Replies

Stop electronic stimulation. Give her simple tasks to do and once completed you can either praise her or reward her. What I did was I started to draw on drawing block and make her colour them either with finger paint or colour pencils. Then I moved on to tracing of letters or patterns. Initially she was rather demanding to watch tv when the task was barely completed but there and then I reminded her to watch her show is to complete and limit her watching time. I gradually remove the watching time and replace it with stickers and now totally wean her off the reward system and tv. I read books to her, got her busy books to play with and gradually she spins her own stories from the pictures on the pages. I also bought her educational toys ie sorting box, old school fishing game to train her eye and motor coordination, patience and perseverance; jigsaw puzzles, and involve her in daily household chores. It will be tough in the beginning and you have to be persistent and so does the people around you. Once she's up on track, you are good to go.

you know, i noticed this with my panganay. he easily loses focus. i'm blaming it on the ipad. when he was a baby, the ipad was fairly new, so no studies yet of how it affects children. so when the studies first started coming out about children having a hard time concentrating, i don't give it to him anymore. now im training him to do tasks for long periods of time. so if lego, i let him to lego for as long as he wants just so he can have a longer attention span.

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4 years old, it's normal that she has very short attention span. No worry, mummy! Try fun activity /learning method to help her focus in class (of course the teacher should help her too) .. As for me, I prefer the child do simple activity such as memory game (to learn numbers and alphabets) , draw in the sand/salt, matching games, or just simply cutting paper (to help her focus). So much more! And I agree with not to pressure her much! Let her enjoy learning...

Does she watch ipad or tv at home? If yes that could be the cause. So stop that. I think at home you need to start working with her on activities. Lengthen the activities gradually. Simple activities such as colouring, fixing puzzles, painting, lego building etc. Praise everytime she finishes a task. Hope this helps.

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I think most kids have concentration problems but I doNt think it's a major problem at this age. It does get better as they grow older. Sleep and diet play a part.

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