4 Replies

I’m almost 25 weeks. My baby is super active and I feel him moving all the time. Is your placenta anterior or posterior? Position of the placenta makes a big difference. Else, some babies are just less active. You need to know and get used to your baby’s pattern. As long as fetal movements are regular and not out of the ordinary then there’s nothing to be worried about. :)

I am at 27 weeks + and my gynae asked me to track baby’s movement - at least every 2 hours or anything out of usual. She recommended to go to the hospital or clinic for a check up as long as you feel something is amiss. Mommy knows the best!

i am around 27 weeks currently with #2. for me, movements are almost constant and very prominent so i dont bother to track. if worried, can check with your gynae.

I'm at week 25 but also only feel my baby once in a while, certainly not every 2 hours :(

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