7 Replies

Super Mum

Carbo: porridge, baby pasta, baby noodles, potato puree (I usually blend this with a steamed vegetable, eg. Spinach/brocolli/cai xin) Meat: minced meat with apple puree (steamed). I found that minced meat tends to be powdery when blended, so a sweet fruit helps

U can try rice porridge... add in some veggies or protein (fish, chicken). Can also blend everything in the blender if ur baby not used to the textures.


Usually I will feed potatoes or porridge. You can check out my IG @mummyjlife I shared quite abit of recipe

Fish or chicken or ikanbilis porridge. Blend together with vegs .

Gerber organic oatmeal cereal (mix with milk)

Soft pasta, boiled rice soup, porridge

porridge, baby pasta, baby noodle

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