2 Replies

Hi mummy, there is no standard amount. Each child is different and their intake is also different. My LO is 4 months old and she is still taking 80-100ml per feed. (BM) There is no need to dream feed baby if she doesn’t fuss for one. I did not sleep train my LO, I just follow her cues. So far, she managed to sleep from 10pm to 6am without needing milk. Not very long, but at least she’s progressing :) Just feed on demand, tho tiring but come to think of it, how long will she need us before she grows up right? :) 1)She went thru growth spurts 100~120ml every hourly, sometimes can go up to 160ml in one feed. She also went thru a drastic drop in her intake where 40ml of milk can last her thru the night (6 hours) and her next feed only taking in 20ml. Her daily intake was around 400~850ml at 3m. As long as she has enough diaper output per day, happy and gaining weight well, no need to worry 😃

Sorry, was deciding between ‘less’ or ‘so little’ 😅

May I ask what is the weight of your baby?

Thank you for sharing too :) yess. Doc told us 150 per kg too and so we are waaay lower than that. She’s been drinking well enough until the last 2-3weeks when she started having nasal congestion and she developed a lot of mucus.

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