1 Replies

Don’t air dry your hair after shower, blow dry. Don’t direct the fan directly at you. I personally wear buttoned outfits for breastfeeding. Short sleeves and shorts for day (fan face upwards/away from you), long sleeves and pants for night (aircon). Yes for the meesua. The binder that Malay massage uses is different and it’s more tighter (you cannot do it yourself because it will be loose) than those Velcro binders. They apply massage oil before binding. My massage lady advises to wear as long as I can tahan (at least 8 hours if I can), best is within the first 2 months. Confinement usually is drink red dates tea but plain water (room temp/warm) works best for boosting my supply. For shower you can get herbs from shopee (daifonai) if you are okay to boil and shower, I personally do without it cause it’s too mafan.

do u wear the blinder while breastfeeding? if applying any oil before blinder do u bathe or wipe down the oil before breastfeeding?

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