Delivery positions

Hi mummies, i’ve been doing a lot of research of borthing positions and still baffles me that sg hospitals, especially govt ones still insists on one position which is the standard ‘sit and legs up’ when there are MANY other better ways to push with each individual. What are your thoughts on this? Interested to hear them!

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Hi...not really...I gv birth at kkh ( private)..midwife suggested other positions and for me to choose wat im comfortable in...

3y trước

when my baby's head was visible..and before e doctor's arrival..i was taught the 1) standard sit up and legs up... 2) Lie back ( not flat but slightly up) comfortable enough to grab my thighs ( like arm locking your thighs).. 3) Lie Side ways ( be it left or right side) with 1 leg up... but gotta 2 option is the most comfortable 1 for doing sit n reach....when contractions comes...pull your thigh towards yourself and push..feels like doing crunches or sit ups....😂😂

Following! I’m curious to hear this too. :) I’m on KKH subsidised route if anyone has experience.