SAHM Pumping routine

Hi mummies, I'm a SAHM but I'm pumping instead of latching my boy. I have no help at all except my husband. My husband will be going back to work soon and I feel like with my time being occupied by my LO, I might have no time to pump. Currently with my husband's help, I am able to pump around 2-3 hours for 30 mins. Without his help I had to go around 4-5 hours before I have a "window" to pump for about 15-20 min. Which actually doesn't really help with the engorged breast. I'm exclusively pumping due to my son was in Nicu and was born early so we would like to monitor his intake. I did try to latch a few times but i think the "flow" is too fast and he "vomited" a few times after every latch as he is also a impatient eater, probably taking in more then he can digest. Was wondering if there's anyone in the same situation as me and what is your pumping routine like? TIA for your replies!

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You can try pumping when he is asleep? Do a quick one at least 1/2hr-1hr? Also, you may want to let him latch again, as babies grow older, they can control their sucking. Try using a Hakka pump as well when you’re handling baby. Or hands-free pump.

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3y trước

He spits out more den usual when i try to let him latch again. My husband don't wanna let him latch anymore..