It’s normal. I felt the same back then too, especially when I was an XXS-XS prepregnancy and I had to shop for M-L (I gained 17KG) clothings. But soon you’ll start to embrace your preggy self when your tummy grows, you’ll have the pregnancy glow. Pregnancy was the only time I ate without feeling guilty and worrying about the calories haha. For the sticky part, it’s normal cause our body is warmer during pregnancy. I constantly feel like there’s an inbuilt oven in me even in AC plus fan room.
Don’t waste your time thinking about the negative stuffs, don’t forget you’ll still have postpartum body to handle, that time, baby is not inside so it’s really just fats. BUT, don’t stress over it. Eat well, drink well, exercise if you need to and you’ll get back in shape. It took me 8-10 months to get back to prepregnancy shape (of course the flabby mum tum and thighs are still there when I lie sideways cause I don’t exercise.) Breastfeeding helped me lose a lot of weight btw.
Then if you breastfeed, you’ll face saggy boobs after you stop. But then again, there’s always push up bra! 🥹
Whenever you’re feeling upset over your looks and changes, tell yourself, it’s normal and it’s because you’re carrying a life! After baby is out, you’ll hardly have anytime to worry about these. ☺️☺️