4 Replies


I only manage to pump once at work which is lunch time and have to walk over to opposite mall's nursing room 🙄 I bought cordless breast pump which is quite handy and efficient and also portable sterilizer, just in case need to pump before end work at 6pm (sometimes feel like burst, cant wait to go home) Store milk at office's fridge 1 month before back to work I let my boy try formula just in case my supply is insufficient and also to make sure he's not allergic to Formula

Super Mum

I'm also just nice supply. I started pumping 3-5hourly since baby was 2mo (but direct latch her), so i managed to build some freezer stash. Returned to work when baby turned 4mths, i pump 3 times at work - 9am, 1pm, 4pm. 3 pumping session output just enough for next day's consumption at infant care, dl at night & collect with haakaa.

I keep my pump parts in a ziplock bag and store in fridge, no washing after pumping. Only wash & sterilise after i got home.

I pumped every 2 hours initially and then moved to every 3 hours. Not too much wriggle room for me. If I don’t keep to that schedule, my supply drops crazily. I cleaned pump parts at work and sterilised them at home. I stored the milk bottles in a little bag in the office fridge.


Hi Fellow parents, some links on the issue https://sg.theasianparent.com/pumping-at-work-in-singapore?utm_source=question&utm_medium=recommended https://sg.theasianparent.com/power-pumping-an-alternative-way-to-increase-milk-supply?utm_source=question&utm_medium=recommended

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