NIPT Test Result Duration

Hey mummies, I’m a first time mum and did my NIPT 3 weeks ago and I’m reviewing it with the doc this coming Saturday. For the past 3 weeks I’ve a lot of anxiety and worryness in me because I’m scared to know the outcome but at the same time eager to know the outcome as all I hope for is baby to be healthy & safe! So I wanna ask - if there’s any abnormalities in the test, will the gynae call me way before my appointment (when results have reached the clinic) to share or will it all happen only when I’m up for the review? I’m really just concerned and not sure if this happens to many first-time mums or mums-to-be in general? Thanks! #pleasehelp #advicepls

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Hello! Usually by the second week, no news is good news. For unusual results they will usually call you once it is out.

1y trước

Thanks for the advice and making me feel a bit more ease now! (: