Morning sickness
Hi all mummies, I’m currently at week 10 with my little baby and I have been suffering from bad nauseousness since week 5, when I found out I was preg. I have not actually thrown up but I constantly felt unwell with nauseous feeling. Today, however, I felt slightly better and was able to eat more and also starting farting more. I wanted to check with fellow experienced mummies when did your nauseousness started to go away? And how did it feel when it started to fade away? Many thanks in advance 😊#firsttimemom #advicepls

Nausea started around week 6 for me, and still around now when I'm already in week 16. But the nausea feeling did improve, so did my appetite. But I still continued to vomit, just not daily. Vomitted daily from week 9 to 14 and survived on diclectin daily. I'm trying to reduce the dependence on diclectin gradually. Even though nausea feeling has improved, I tend to vomit randomly.... Hope it goes away soon since I'm already in my 2nd trimester 🥲 Could only eat and drink sweet, sour and spicy food during 1st trimester and take small meals as I have no appetite and felt like vomitting all the time. But I can finally drink more plain water and eat better now in 2nd trimester. I guess it will slowly get better!
Read moreyay glad you can eat a more now! mine started at week 5 (that's when I suspected I am pregnant). it was full-on all day sickness for me, I barely ate. then around week 13 my food aversions lessened, I started eating a bit more of the food I couldnt even smell or look at in my first trimester. That's when the nausea subsided gradually. I've only thrown up twice so far (I'm currently at 21 weeks). these days I occasionally have nausea (maybe once in every 3-4 days) and I'm a farting machine! 🤣 farting a lot is normal in pregnancy, the hormones kind of mess up our digestion and causes more gas in the intestines.
Read moreFor me morning sickness stayed till week 18? 😮💨 but there are days when i thought my morning sickness went away but it came back the very next day. It feels like you are alive again once the morning sickness fades. Cause your appetite is back your energy is back, you feel like a human again (‘: but ofc there are still days when i feel nauseous but not as bad as first trim. First trim is just the worst of the worst.
Read moreFor me nausea started in week 5 and was really really awful throwing up every day until week 24. I was on medication 3 x day for this time. Nothing was helping, couldn't drink water, couldn't open the fridge and had to sleep with 2 facemasks because even smell of AC was making me sick...
I am 11 weeks pregnant. luckily for me nausea and vomiting was for 3 weeks only also 2-3 days a week. I noticed empty stomach made it bad. So I took small meals ans fruits in between. Ginger and cardamom helped controlling it to great extent.
Same. I felt nauseous but didn't actually throw up. I felt better gradually from week 12 or 13 onwards, so it was thankfully just first tri. I had a lot of spicy and sour foods to help with my appetite,otherwise I really didn't want to eat
My nausea goes away ard 5th month. There were several times otw driving home I wanna puke too. Ask my hubby to come down n park car for me, and I go home to puke.. sigh.. puke till sometimes there are traces of blood
same here. nauseous through out my first trimester but no vomiting. it only got better from week 16 onwards. also i feel that eating 1 or 2 plain crackers do help to curb the nauseous feeling.
mine started at week 6 and ended at week 8. lucky me. my nausea was so bad that eating was hard, smelling any cooking was also hard. puke many times.
Week 36 still nauseous and vomiting! I’ve tablet for nauseous from KKH, brand new. Letting go if you’re keen.