everything tastes bland

hi mummies, i'm currently at week 10. Is it normal that everything I eat and drink tastes bland? there's also an unpleasant smell whenever i burp and it creates a disgusting aftertaste in my mouth.

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During pregnancy, it is common for women to experience changes in their sense of taste and smell due to hormonal fluctuations. It is normal for everything to taste bland or different during this time. The unpleasant smell and aftertaste you are experiencing could be due to increased sensitivity to smells and tastes. To combat this, try adding extra flavors to your meals, such as herbs, spices, or citrus fruits, to make the food more appetizing. Drinking plenty of water can also help reduce the aftertaste and keep you hydrated. Additionally, consider eating smaller, more frequent meals to avoid overwhelming your taste buds. Taking prenatal vitamins can also help ensure you are getting all the necessary nutrients for you and your baby, even if the taste is not appealing at the moment. If you find that the taste changes persist or become unbearable, it's always a good idea to consult with your healthcare provider to rule out any underlying issues. Remember, every pregnancy is unique, and what you are experiencing is likely a normal part of the journey. Feel free to reach out for support and advice from other mothers on the forum, as many may have gone through similar experiences during their pregnancies. Stay positive and take care of yourself during this special time. https://invl.io/cll6she

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might b just a phase... hope passes quickly🙏💕