30 weeks pregnant and violence

Mummies I'm currently 30 weeks pregnant and today things got worst , I'm 26 soon to be 27 and my family wants me to ligation after 2nd child when I told them I had ectopic pregnancy before and my right tube have been removed , secondly my husband loss his bro and mum 6 months ago and ever since then he started to drink alot and all the while I could tolerate mentally and physically but today I couldn't, I ended up screaming on top of my voice and ended up getting punched and whacked , I've lost my parents at a very young age but I decided to move on and sometimes its hard but I've to think about my family also what should I do ? We have been together for 9 years and married for 2 years+ but I'm just too numbed .#advicepls Please don't get me wrong atleast I get a advice from another mum is useful then speaking out to my family members because all they do first is judging and blaming me for getting married to a guy like this

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Im sorry to hear this.