30 weeks pregnant and violence

Mummies I'm currently 30 weeks pregnant and today things got worst , I'm 26 soon to be 27 and my family wants me to ligation after 2nd child when I told them I had ectopic pregnancy before and my right tube have been removed , secondly my husband loss his bro and mum 6 months ago and ever since then he started to drink alot and all the while I could tolerate mentally and physically but today I couldn't, I ended up screaming on top of my voice and ended up getting punched and whacked , I've lost my parents at a very young age but I decided to move on and sometimes its hard but I've to think about my family also what should I do ? We have been together for 9 years and married for 2 years+ but I'm just too numbed .#advicepls Please don't get me wrong atleast I get a advice from another mum is useful then speaking out to my family members because all they do first is judging and blaming me for getting married to a guy like this

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Hey, take a huge deep breath. Things is hard for you i know. I might not be in the situation like yours, and i might not be able to be the best adviser. but I'll try to help. Is this the first time he punch and hit you? Hes in a wrong to do that. right now both of you is under going with stress. So everything will be harsh if one of you backlash. Have you try to stay calm and talk to your husband? Guys hardly shown their weakness and tend to drink alcohol to ease their pain away (its dumb) Give him some cuddle and hugs and let him know you're there for him. I know its sounded like im siding him but then sometime we have to give in in such kind of situation so that the relationship wont torn. Hes too overwhelm with the losses of his kin suddenly, hence, he cant think of your shoe on how stressful you are too. But most importantly you have to protect and take care of yourself. Do give yourself a break if you need. *hugs*

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