8 Replies


Just continue with your routine, take care of yourself and allow time for your body to get back to its rhythm. It’s not like you gained weight and just want to loose it. Your body muscles and stomach area has been stretched and expanded for 9 months. Allow it time to repair

Sure i will. Thank you :)

I’m 3 months pp and having same issue. I think it’ll take a process of time, exercise and eating well. I just learn to love my body after having a baby!

Aww i’m so glad for you! To embrace all these change which are happening to our body is not as easy as i thought it would be. Thank you for enlightening me :)

Hey, Don't worry about it too much. It takes time. Just try keeping your mind and body fit and it should be fine

Thank you my dear. Sure i will. :)

VIP Member

Less sugar intake will help. Shapeware might help for the meantime. You are doing great Momma!☺️

Aww thank you so much! Its all what i needed to hear. It sucks when relatives start to say it out loud that you are fat after 4 months delivery.

Do sit ups and planks. It works. Or you can try sexycurve@ instagram.

Sexycurve. Got it! Thank you :)

VIP Member

Less carbs, and try doing planks

Okay sure. Thank you! :)

VIP Member

Do you use a belly binder?

I used corset during my confinement but stopped as it was uncomfortable. Maybe i shld cont using or get a belly binder. Thank you for this suggestion! :)

VIP Member

Do lots of sit up

Okay will try. Thank you! :)

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