Subsidy at KKH

Hi mummies, I’m at my 30th week now. Currently still under subsidy at KKH, I’m only intending to opt for Ward A for my delivery (and I understand the costs that comes with it and I don’t mind paying the extra cost) May I know how do I go about doing it? Or is Ward A not applicable if you’re a subsidy patient?

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u can switch on the day of delivery too, just tt u may not get delivered by the doctor of your choice. and can only choose from the senior doctor on duty on tt day

Thành viên VIP

U cant choose ward A if ur subsidised.. u hv to switch to pvt n choose a fixed gynae.. den cn choose ward A

4y trước

Would it be too late if I were to switch to private on my next appt? I’d be about 33 weeks then. Or if it’s possible to switch to private on day of my delivery? Hahah sorry ftm here!

Switch earlier so at least u get to choose the consultant u want

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