
Hi mummies! I'm at 17 weeks pregnant and i've been having this itchyness on my legs and at times body for the past 1 week. The itchyness is on and off everytime i sweat. After bathing and on the aircon, i'll feel better. The itchyness will come again the moment i start sweating if off the aircon. Should i be concern? I'm worried anything may affect the baby. My next appointment will be in 3 weeks time. Financially tight so thought should wait till next appointment to see gynae. What do you mummies think? Should i be worried? Till today i still have yet to feel baby movements. #pleasehelp #firstbaby #1stimemom #advicepls

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Yours seems to sound like it may be due to heat? Maybe can try applying cooling creams like suubalm? I experienced alot of random itchiness during my pregnancy as well, went to gynae and gynae said it was v normal symptom. As long as it’s not v uncontrollable itching (like scratch until bleed type) then its not much of a concern. Gynae also said that i could do a bile acid test if i wanted just a peace of mind, but it was q expensive. In the end she just gave me pregnancy friendly moisturizer, and a standby steroid cream to apply if the itch gets v bad. Some other mums also tend to feel baby’s movements abit later, and it also depends on placenta position :) sometimes if your placenta is anterior, it cushions your baby’s kicks so you may not feel it as early. Hope this helps 💪🏻

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3y trước

this is indeed helpful! thank you dear.. bu should i just walk in to urgent o&g to have a scan of the baby just to ensure he/she is healthy?