2 Replies

Hi! First time mom too, 17 weeks tomorrow. Do you simply feel them from your womb area? Or do you have to put your palm over your womb to feel? I thought I experienced gas/bubbles too, but I'm also burping and farting at the same time so I'm thinking it's just gassiness and bloatedness. And do you feel like one bubble at a time? Or is it like many popping bubbles at one time?

Hi fellow mummy! Yes it's always at my womb area, slightly below my belly button. Sometimes I can feel it without touching my belly, then I'll put my hand on my belly and can feel it even more. I also wonder if it's gas, but it's like 1 bubble popping, then another bubble pop 10 secs later, can happen a few times then it stops. Hehe I guess we are feeling the same bubble pops, let's hope it gets stronger soon! 😊

VIP Member

It starts off like dat.. den gets stronger. Enjoy!

Awww, I'm so excited! 😍

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