4 Replies

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Yes by week 20, the scan will tell you the baby's gender. Regarding baby kick, I think it depends. I'm FTM and I was concerned too when I couldn't feel the kicks even at week 20 when I read that we should be able to start feeling it by week 16. My doc assured that usually first timers take little longer to actually start feeling it. I think I only started feeling the kicks after week 22 and by week 28 I could clearly see the baby stretching 😊

Yes you will ☺️ Normally for FTM, you'll only get to feel the movements around 20 weeks above but also depends cos some felt early. Depending on your baby's position and also the position of your placenta.


The detailed scan at 20 weeks will tell u gender. I felt my baby kick from 18 weeks


We got to know our baby gender when i was week 16! ◡̈

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