2 Replies

• planes allow thermal flask to prepare milk for infants during the flight • it's OK to walk around with baby. other stuff like toys and kangaroo hug might help with Soothing the baby too • cabin sized strollers kept in travel bags are convenient to have. alternatively check in the stroller but slightly higher chance of getting damaged. • I use travel bags to segregate kids stuff. i find it convenient. • my baby is ok with different diaper brand so I bought mine from Australia instead of bringing • I also brought my own bottle brush and bottle soap to clean the utensil. some people also bring a portable bottle dryer or check beforehand if hotel provides this. hygienic or not, I'm not sure. • I brought own baby blanket, pillow etc.

Bring some toys that baby usually plays at home but if it’s a 1.5hr, try to let baby stay awake and then sleep before boarding. You can use pacifier instead of feeding its fine. Yes you can, you’ll definitely get stares if baby cries but just ignore them. It depends on your baby, if baby normally sleeps well in carrier then use the baby wear, when sitting down, konny will be better and more comfortable for you compared to ergo. If you’re worried about the pressure in ears can consider ear muffs (not sure if 3.5m got suitable ear plugs). If everything above doesn’t works and you still have a crying baby……screen time or play music.

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