How many maternity pads to pack? 🤔

Hello mummies! I’ll be going for my c-sect in a month or so and I’m wondering how many maternity pads I should pack for my 3 nights stay at the hospital? I’ve bought a few boxes of the KOTEX Overnight Panties and plan to wear one for each night. But how many should I pack for the day time? Assuming the bleeding will be .. very heavy..😅 Thank you!

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Hello maybe you might need to check with fellow c sect mummies. But some c sect mummy friends told me they can’t wear kotax Pants because it Is touching the scar

Super Mom

I had those panties for my csect too, love them! I initially brought 3 boxes but I ran out I think, but should be easy to buy from the pharmacy.

4y trước

Thank you for the reply! :))

I stayed at NUH. C Sect. Maternity pads are provided so you need not bring actually

I stayed at NUH for mine. They provide the pads. I didn’t have to bring any

Hospitals do provide maternity pads so you don't need to worry to bring any.

Nuh. They’ll also give disposable underwear along with maternity pads

Influencer của TAP

I bought 4 box use 2 box only csec too

4y trước

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