Post-delivery Goodie Bag from KKH?

Hi mummies! Any idea if they KKH gives it a goodie bag post-delivery? If yes, what does it consist of? I'm preparing my nursery and seeing what else I need but need not buy. TIA! #1stimemom

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They do. But you wont get it straight away. They will deliver to your home few days after your discharge. From what i rmbr, you will get a backpack. Two sets of kodomo baby lotion, shampoo, wash (travel size). A bear towel. An apron bib and another one that you can use when your child is having messy play like painting. A wet wipes pouch. Other things i cant rmbr sorry.

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3y trước

I see. Okok most helpful. Thank you!

Maybe you can drop them a call or try to google online?

3y trước

Thank you 😊

Thành viên VIP

Kodomo shampoo and bath

3y trước

Thank you for sharing! 😘