Mucus Plug Discharge

Hi mummies! I just went for my 38th week routine check up and doc said baby was not yet engaged. I'm scheduled for another growth scan next week! After checkup , me and hubs went looking for food when i had to go pee 💁‍♀️ so after my business , i realised a blob of red discharge. Is that my mucus plug coming off? Should i be concerned? What should i do? Will labour come anytime soon? I'm not yet prepared 😣😣

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it could be mucus plug, don’t worry and monitor if have any contractions. after the mucus plug drops your body will constantly replace it until labour happens

4y trước

all the best! i started losing my mucus plug at 35-36weeks, i was so worried 😅 baby didn’t come till 38weeks 😄

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You will need to monitor if there are any contractions and leakage. Do call your doc for advice if needed.