4 Replies

VIP Member

Hey mummy, there are many different reasons that she could be refusing solids - some common ones are that she's too full from milk to be having solids, or simply because she isn't ready yet! She should be sitting upright unsupported and showing signs of interest in food (eg. biting her hands, signalling for food, snatching your food etc) before you start offering any :) Other than that, you can also look into the timings that you are offering the solids at - generally 1-1.5 hours after a milk feed would be good! Don't be discouraged if she doesn't take solids, try offering more textures in the food (the examples you gave seem to be all mushy and soft) and maybe even giving several options in a plate and let her pick what she wants - don't be afraid of the mess because it can always be cleaned up after :) In any case, solids before 1 year old are just "for fun" - so there's no need to rush! The main nutrients for LO until 1 year old is still milk :)

I experience similar, but try to give more varieties.. which ever baby like then I give more. I think baby get bored and moody, do not give solid after milk coz my baby eats better when it's 2 hours apart from last consumption. And he likes Kiri cheese spread or the laughing cow / baby bell cheese

Thanks for the advise. But baby now having diarrhoea for almost 3 weeks. Pd says no dairy products. How long it takes for ur baby to accept solid ?

VIP Member

Every child is different. Do not feel discouraged & continue to encourage your child to enjoy her solid. You may wish to try baby led weaning as some child might find it more interesting if they get to touch the food & explore the texture. Have fun & keep it going

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