9 Các câu trả lời

Segera ke klinik yaa puan, any discharge during early pregnancy are not normal. Nampak dlm gmbr mcm agak banyak jg discharge dan dia bukan spotting yg orang kata implantation (happen during early pregnancy not more than 4w). Boleh jadi ini adalah threathen miscarriage. Seek for dr's opinion ya. Hope all are good for you and your baby..

Okay, i will. I am quite worried juga, but i’ll seek for a Dr soon, thank you?

2-3wks belum actually pregnant sis. implantation pun kemungkinan besarnya belum terjadi lagi. most probably it's just leftover blood from previous cycle. tak perlu risau, kecuali kalau bleeding tiba2 jadi heavy atau ada cramping yang teruk

Dr told me threatened miscarriage so dia bagi Duphaston for 10 days, now dah stop :)

Any bleeding/ spotting (red/brownish/pinkish) at any week of pregnancy, you need to go clinic asap as it’s one of threaten miscarriages sign. Hope all is well. Take care dear

Yes, thats right. I was on Duphaston for 10 days.

Tak normal ya untuk ada spotting atau bleeding semasa hamil lagi2 di awal kehamilan. Boleh jadi ancaman keguguran. Segera berjumpa dengan dr.

Okay i will

i see implantion sebab pnh darah mcmni awal kehamilan.tp g klinik swasta doctor bg ubt duphston.alhmdulilah

I am on Duphaston for 10 days, tapi alhamdullilah dah stop dah spotting :)

Please segera ke klinik and dptkn consultation dr doktor.

if brownish, its called spotting or implantation bleeding..

Dr diagnosed it as threatened miscarriage

Pergi klinik tau. Ni discharged yg bnyk

Ok i will go check it out

tak normal. segera ke klinik/hospital

Okay i will go to a klinik

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