Mummies, i am not sure what's wrong with my body clock. I am always so tired yet i can't seem to fall asleep until the sun rises or even if i manage to sleep early for the night, i will wake up in the middle of the night & can't sleep anymore.. End up will nap in the afternoon when i breastfeed my boy. + My legs hurts a lot when i try to sleep. I have to put like 2-3 pillows under my legs to be able to sleep, if not, it hurts too much.

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Not sure if this will work for you. I have tried this method and found it effective: Essentially, it is just doing deep breathing for 4s, then 7s, 8s, and 9s. It helps to slow down the heart rate and will naturally relax the body and promotes sleep. I think it probably also helps prevent the mind from being distracted by other thoughts and helps one fall asleep. Worth a try if you have difficulties falling back to sleep in the middle of the night. Worked for me.

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Thank you! Will try it. Do you have anything on why my legs hurts so much when i try to sleep? My mother says i didn't do my confinement properly.