3 Replies

I had heavy bleeding episode 3 days back, passed a big clot which i thought was baby & other small clots. It was pouring like u open a tap at full speed. But baby is fine & bleed was due to low lying placenta. Am on bed rest now & bleeding has stopped. So keep faith & praying all will be fine for u 🙏

I didnt have the same experience of soaking with blood but i did pass out huge clots (palm sized ones) and still delivered a healthy ger. Jiayou! Oh and actually at ed They told me it was normal to pass out huge clots (this definitely did not assure me)

Ahhh.. had the same experience.. a&e MO DR couldn’t find the egg sac, and the moment i step out of the room after the ultrasound, a whole bunch of “thing” came down and drop! :( It was a miscarriage…

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