2 Replies

20 week scan is anatomy scan. So they will check development and length of baby’s hands, legs etc. to see if 10 little fingers and toes are all fully developed so it can be quite detailed. They will also check blood flow from placenta to baby so it is just to make sure everything is going well. Also will scan all baby’s organs. By 20 weeks they should be able to scan baby’s gender unless your baby’s position is not ideal or legs are crossed/ covering genitals. We confirmed our baby’s gender during our 20 week scan. The first thing we did when going into the room was to tell the ultrasound technician that we don’t want to know gender and if she can put it in a sealed envelope for us. They will know what to do. We then passed on the envelope to a trusted friend and got her to order gender reveal balloon for us. Do remember not to open the report to read (should you request for a printed version) as the baby’s gender is reflected on the report as well! All the best and I wish you an exciting gender reveal party! :)

Before doing the scan the sonographer will ask whether you guys know baby’s gender or if u want to know, can just say dw to know and they can indicate on a slip

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