Pregnant & have cats

Hi mummies , i heard that if u are pregnant and have cat , it is best to stay away from their litter box as far as u can as it may affect baby . Is that true ? I have cats at home and i try to stay away by always being in the room 24/7 . Also , with my constantly stuffed nose , i cant usually smell anything but still i avoid their litter box. Anyone have heard of this or avoided this during their pregnancy ? #firsttimemom #pleasehelp #advicemommies #advicepls

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I have two cats. My husband has been the one changing litter and disposing their poop. From my understanding, toxoplasma is more for outdoor cats. If your cat has always been an indoor cat, it shouldn’t be an issue. If you’re worried, you can consult your gynae to get blood test and check on your toxoplasmosis level!

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1y trước

thank u !! i will ask them to check for me !!

I have a cat too! But ever since I got pregnant my husband has been the one cleaning the litter, just for extra precaution. But what I know is that it's rare in indoor cats, mostly outdoor cats. And it can be transferred via saliva. So just make sure you practice good hygiene or wear gloves if you have to clean

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I clean my cat’s litter box throughout my pregnancy. The risk is higher only if you accidentally consume cat litter (super unlikely). I prefer not to scare myself with this, as long as i practice good hygiene, i dont think cats and cat litter will cause any harm!

i live with 2 cats since before my first kid. pregnant with my 2nd one now. gynae said just get someone else to clean the litter box and it should he fine. I still feed them their meals too occasionally, pat them etc etc. no issues with toxoplasmosis.

I have 3 cats! My husband clears the cat litter box so that’s fine. Toxoplasmosis is pretty rare I think esp if your cats are indoor cats :) I also did a blood test later on in my pregnancy to check if I had toxoplasmosis

1y trước

But your cat litter box isn’t so close to your face right 😆 I’m pretty sure if you’re not directly near it it’ll be fine :) don’t worry!

Ya cause their poop and that area have alot of bacteria but honestly sometimes it cant be helped. I still clean my cat’s poo or puke baby born healthy. Wear a glove if you want precaution and always wash hand

1y trước

so worried !! but thats good to hear having a healthy baby. congrats mama 🤍

I have 6 cats, my helper changes the litter box and keeps their space clean so all is good. Just don’t touch their poop and pee you’ll be fine. Always wash your hands after touching your cats!

I’ll wear a mask when I clean the litter box. But nevertheless, I’ll try to avoid

i have a cat too. my husband does the cleaning. just avoid gg near the litter box

💩 and maybe saliva too. Beware of Bacteria and parasites