4 Replies

My baby has a lot of gas too and it was very difficult to feed him so we went to visit the doctor. We gave him riwind before every feed and it works well. We used to stroke baby’s back upwards for burping but we realised that he burps more quickly when he sits upright or place baby upright with his head on our shoulders. No need to stroke upwards. Also, you can try to burp baby in between each feed and after each feed. Baby might not spits milk so easily.

Super Mum

Hey Eleanor, Everything you’ve mentioned is super common for babies. How much milk you should feed is how much milk baby is able and willing to drink.. so feed on demand. Burping usually takes some time.. and even with burping, baby can still regurgitate. It’s normal. If you’re still worried about gas, maybe try a different milk bottle? Dr Brown’s worked pretty well for me.

Is baby in pain when he tries to poo? If he’s ok, should be fine 😅

You can try giving baby abit of gripe water, it will help with the gas. You can also apply or rub a drop of ruyi oil at baby's tailbone area after shower. For burping, holding baby upright with his head on your shoulders, works well. Baby won't burp immediately however takes time.

Thanks L C! Yesss we’ve been applying ruyi oil on his stomach and feets too. I’ll usually do all the possible burp positions after each feed, only works sometime ~ I guess I jus have to persevere and persevere !!!

hi Eleanor, i use Digestif Balm from Inara Organics for my bb who is 6 weeks old. It works very well in helping him to release gas! He burps almost immediately after every feed. It also helps him to poop more regularly.

Thank you!! Will check it out 😉

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