Tooth pain

Hi mummies, I have got tooth pain, Can I take paracetamol till I go to the dental? 7 weeks pregnant

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Super Mom

Hi, yes can take paracetamol but I find that it may not be that effective in toothache. Will be good if you can book an earlier appt to the dentist. I had a super bad toothache before, paracetamol didn't help so I booked an appt to the dentist just to get some pain medication first before scheduling a root canal. Other methods to relieve toothache can try cold compress or rinse with salt water. It helped for me but the relieve only lasted a while because my toothache was really bad.

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2y trước

the dentist allowed a root canal while you were pregnant?

Hope you feel better soon! Unfortunately it doesn’t look like paracetamol is recommended during pregnancy: See I’d recommended asking your Doctor about pregnancy safe pain relief meds. Maybe Low dose paracetamol will be ok. But it’s always best to check.

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Thành viên VIP

Better to get an appointment and discuss with dentist. I’d discuss with dentist while I m TTC. He says base on the difficulty of the wisdom teeth, he could do extraction during pregnancy . And they have to use pregnancy safe medicine afterwards.

yes. paracetamol is safe for pregnancy. you can also try to rinse your mouth with warm salty , twice a day. it should help with the pain. all the best

Normal panadol and paracetamol is okay. Dont take panadol extra or panadol something, and no anarex. It has to be plain paracetamol that is safe.