2 Replies

Answering all of the above based on my POV and my own experience with my #1 1) I stopped giving at 4 years old. 2) You should stop giving as soon as you can. 3) Yes it does. Not just for my #1 but other friends of mine. Their kid on pacifier does have crooked teeth. However, on the other hand I notice my #1 teeth wasn't that bad as compared to when she still had pacifier on. I believe it depend. (pardon if I am incorrect) Because I have her before/after picture of with pacifier,without. 4) I give her cold treatment. Yet same time trynna make her understood the reason behind no pacifier. When her pacifier torn, I stop giving. I throw and I told her no shops sells it. Therefore no replacement. Some people put vinegar, tamarind to make sure baby's of it. So whatever works for my child/others may not work for you. Requires patients,consistent effort.

1) 18mo, she self weaned when I tried to upsize her pacifier. 2) Can’t advise. 3) My LO’s teeth looks fine to me (she’s 25mo). 4) When mine weaned off pacifier (hers was an immediate wean), she didn’t look for it anymore so I just kept all pacifiers out of her sight. Soothing wise, no issues when sleeping, but when she’s making a fuss like eg. Outdoors, offer toys/snacks, if LO can understand what you’re saying then talk to them.

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