7 Replies


I have too when I'm pregnant, I waited for next gynae check up and doc told me everything is alright. Normal discharge for me. If you are worried pls do go A&E or contact your gynae.

Milky white/clear discharge is normal during pregnancy (even if you’re not pregnant) but the odour is not. Would advise you to see a doctor in case of any infections. 😊

alot of woman is more prone to yeast infection when they are pregnant. see a doctor, if it's yeast infection, just put a pill up the vagina, then it will be gone.

Super Mum

Best to get it checked out, it could have been an infection. I was placed on a 7 days antibiotic course previously for infection and it cleared up after that.

Do you always have the odour? I also have it but not often maybe like 2 days then it stop until 2 weeks later. It keeps appearing and disappearing

u can go to the AnE can do a vaginal swab..I was tested BV positive and was prescribed with Anti biotic for 7 days.

Try drink lots of warm water, might helps :)

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