3 Replies

Hello, also a single mother here. I called ICA to ask before and they said that I can put my boyfriend name into birth certificate as the father. But please bear in mind that if u do that, the father will have rights over the child. In my case, my bf is not local and ICA said if I want him in birth cert, he need to be in Singapore with passport during the registration process. But end up we both agreed to let baby have my last name and father won’t be inside birth cert at all. Part of the reason is because I don’t want him to suddenly fight for custody over baby if the relationship turn sour. So there are a lot of things to consider. As a baby born to unwed parents, you don’t get the 11k baby bonus. Your child will also be illegitimate and won’t inherit anything from you if anything happens to u. The law for single parent is damn weird here. You can read about it in AWARE site.

Legally you are considered as a single (unwedded) mom, hence your child will have to follow your surname and you can’t have your boyfriend registered as the father on the birth certificate. In addition, you will only get the CDA grant, which should be $5000 + $4000 (1-for-1 dollar match) without $11000 baby bonus cash gift. Further more, you will not qualify for the 15% working mom tax relief as well. I know… it does not make sense as single moms would need more financial support naturally, however these are the signals to “preserve the traditional family values”.

Nope you are to be legally married in order to have the partner's name in certificate as far as I am concern. Having said that, you will not be eligible for any cash gift bonus except CDA grant (pardon me if it is incorrect)

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