nestle cereal

Hi mummies, can i give my 2 week old baby drink nestum ?

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No!!! Only breast milk or formula milk for babies below 6 months. This is because the risk of your baby having allergic reactions to cow’s milk, soy, wheat etc is high if given other food too early. Babies might also choke if given solids too young.

No. Ask PD if u want to start solid earlier. But usually around 5months+ can start solid. First solid food better is single grain. Below 4 months better dont take any risk.

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Super Mom

No! Babies below 6mths can only be given breastmilk or formula milk. No water, no solids. Cereal is one of the first solids to be introduced.

Super Mom

Because weeks old baby cannot digest nestum since their tummy more prone to colic

Thành viên VIP

Only breast milk or formula milk for babies below 6 months old.

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u can get dulac for your baby, it's only $15/tin at ntuc

No. Baby's digestive system is not ready yet.

Super Mom

Oh dear, please no. Only breast/formula milk.

Nope I don’t think it’s recommended.

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No, breast milk for first 6mths!