7 Replies

is he solely on formula milk or mix of breastmilk? how often do you feed him? hmm my baby is just 2 weeks old and he feeds on 60ml every 2 hours. even with this amount, when I visit the doctor, she mentioned that can even start to give more.. but I guess every baby has their own appetite and it also depends on their weight as well. I see some mommies mentioned on the chat that their babies are drinking 90ml l every 2 to 3 hours at 2 weeks old. I think numbers are just a guideline, as long as he doesn't shows signs of overfeeding, I think you can stick to 80ml - feed on demand

Hello Mummies.. thank you for the replies. I am now feeding him 90ml at interval of 2-3hrs. So far his output is fine but he does spit out his milk at times which is normal i guess. I will continue to monitor for signs of overfeeding. Sucha relief to know I not dangering him by feeding him at that amt. heheh..

i gave my baby 60ml FM every 2 hours after done feeding soothe with a pacifier.. cause my baby tend to sleep for next hour or so .. too scared to overfeed baby as may cause phlegm for little one

May I know how old is your baby?

Different babies want different amounts. Provided you are not massively overfeeding it, any excess weight will rapidly drop off once your baby becomes active.

Hi, ftm of a 3 weeks old boy too. By now, you can feed your baby 80-150ml. I am following the feeding guidelines given by the hospital ✌🏼

Just a guideline. May not apply to every baby.

Hi! My baby also about 3 weeks old, drinking 80ml of BM. As long as he doesn’t vomit out, it’s ok to drink him 80ml.

If he is ok with 80ml, stick with 80ml. All numbers are just guidelines 😊

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