Hi all, I am first time mum and will be having my next gynae appointment next week at 11 weeks+. Gynae is asking me to decide whether to do First Trimester Screening (Nuchal Translucency ultrasound + blood test) or NIPT. FTS costs $100+ with 85% accuracy and NIPT costs $900 with 99% accuracy and also can tell gender. Just wondering if NIPT is worth taking? Any mummies actually do both?

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38 years old. First pregnancy. Fiancé and I decided to do both to cover all bases. There are some information that FTS captures and NIPT doesn’t, and vice versa. E.g. FTS captures heart defects, nuchal translucency, etc but lower accuracy. NIPT detects gender, chromosomal and other genetic defects. So being an older couple (and hence bearing a riskier pregnancy), we decided to know EVERYTHING so that we can make important decisions and get on with it. Everything turned out low risk, and we’re having a baby girl. That is peace of mind that we wanted, so it was ‘worth it’.

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