5 Replies

Hi there! I am now on the same exact position as you were 2 yrs ago, I am 35 y/o, with my 1st pregnancy, I did both FTS and NIPT, a week ago blood has been drawn and next week a scan which is part of the FTS will be done. May I know if you only found out the result when you met your OBGYN on your next appointment or they sent you the result via email before? Thanks in advance.

If have anything bad… they will call you within 3 days based on actual experience as they will need to schedule you to meet the doctor to further discuss the report.

Hi. Riding on this post. It has been more than 2 weeks since my NIPT harmony test, but KKH actually told me my results are not available yet. I'm quite worried about this. Is the harmony test done in house at KKH or is the waiting time for results actually that long?

Usually no call = good news. If there’s anything they will most probably want to inform you asap.

thanks! hope for the best

No call is good news. You can also check the result via healthhub app. 😊

can we? i tried to log in everyday but no reports leh. even my oscar blood result done 1 month ago not there also. so i dont think can access leh..

no news = gd news. they will only call you if there is any issue.

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