New bottle

Hi mummies, I am currently using Philips Avent natural bottle and am switching my LO to Tommee Tippee bottle. My LO tried to suck TT teat but stopped and let the teat remain in his mouth. How do u train baby to try and accept new bottle? TIA!

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Super Mom

Can introduce for one feed first during the day. Next few days use TT for more feed

4y trước

Ok thanks!

My LO has accepted TT bottle alrdy! Really takes a 2nd or 3rd try!

Influencer của TAP

It will take 1 to 2 days.

4y trước

Ok thanks mummy!

Thành viên VIP

Good to hear that=)

4y trước

Thanks mummy!

Thành viên VIP


4y trước

Ok thanks mummy!