2 Replies

hello, i'm also ltvp holder, and currently on my 14weeks, i'm also private patients at Nuh, as what i heard on my first visit, they Will give u financial consultation around 22weeks if i'm not wrong, and u can got $1100 package start from 22weeks until delivery, all included consultation, ultrasound and anything, so we don't need to pay more on every visit, except we asked for extra care... so for what u can claim is u can claim for your pre-delivery bill upto $900, u can claim after u delivery, so u can give them your bill after delivery, so they will calculate all your bill and deduct it with medisave. that's whats written in Moh web.https://www.moh.gov.sg/cost-financing/healthcare-schemes-subsidies/marriage-and-parenthood-schemes

Thank you appreciate it 🙏

Im also LTVP holder, but im doing my check ups and will be giving birth at KKH. 1. I guess you need to pay upfront first the $1,100. and you can only claim the $900 maternity claims once you give birth. 2. i dont know about the bill of Nuh, but in Kkh LTVP PLUS holders can choose wards from A-C once will give birth. Kkh have bill calculator in their website. Medisave withdrawal will be Medisave withdrawal limits for Medisave Maternity Package (MMP) are as follows: $2,150 for Caesarean delivery $750 for Vaginal delivery $550 per day for the first two days and $400 per day from the third day onwards $900 for pre-delivery expenses 3. it depends on baby's ward and medical bills.

No not the consultation and ultrasound. we can only claim right away from husband's medisave the flu jab and whooping cough. 😊

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