Stomach cramping

Hi mummies, can i just check is it normal to have stomach cramps more like sharp pains though out the day?i suddenly experienced this after taking the multivitamin pills prescribed by the doctor have any of you experienced anything like this?

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Are you in your 2nd tri? Probably it’s not the multivitamin but rather something else that you probably ate.. If it persists, pls check with your gynae

3y trước

don’t think it’s the multivitamins either. your pregnancy is still early dear, it’s normal to feel that it’s flat. the uterus has not risen or expanded much that you can feel from the surface. please go have a check with ur gynae if you are so concerned

I dont tink multivits will cause such pains but mayb u could let ur gynae know then

how many weeks are you at

3y trước

it’s normal, as long as it’s not very painful or have bleeding