Supposed to drop the dosage so you can feel the contraction coming on, and know when to push. I felt that sensation was 10% of a real contraction without epidural, because I went through labour both with and without help from the epidural. But I guess people also interpret pain differently, so all our experiences, including yours, may differ from one another:)
I told the nurses to reduce dosage towards the end coz dilation around 9cm le and I'm a bit hallucinating and I cant feel my body parts at all. When they asked me turn or move a bit, totally no strength, needed them to carry me. But even with reduced dosage, I dont feel the pain leh. I can only feel bb is so so low and like coming out le...
Me and my wife encourage for epi, the insertion may be pain. But its all worth it, after epi is administered. Its a total no pain birth.. Get your epi asap. If the contractions is bad, you will have difficulty getting your epi inserted.
When I was giving birth, hospital drop my epidurals dosage to push as well so I know where I am pushing. It should be a little by little so the contraction pain is not as much, but u still could feel what U’re doing :)
My wife did lower body C section, after epidural done, her lower body was numb after a few minutes and feel no pain. Pain of the wound only felt after operation.
I didn't felt any pain at all after epidural given. Not sure where I'm pushing too. But I have low tolerance for pain so it's a good thing for me.
Yup when its time the nurse will reduce the dosage so u cn feel the contractions n push the baby out..its not crazy pain la but thrs a strong sensation
Gave birth in KK a week ago, they dropped my epi to 50% when I started pushing. So painful I cried.
Yes it should be the way . When you are about to push , they will drop your epidural .
When pushing, didn't feel pain and can somehow knew that contraction is coming...