Third Trimester

Hi mummies, i am 30weeks now, but my LO head alr down there. Heard from friend dont walk too much first until 33weeks, because afraid water broke because baby head alr down.. but my gynae said need to do more movement.. if think logically, what friend concern not totally wrong. That friend talk based on their own experience with 3child.. any idea or advise for this? :) #FTM #advicehelppls

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Mama of 5 here. Your friend is not right at all. It's good that ur baby's head is already down there otherwise if breech u may have a high chance of c-sect. She probably does something else that triggered her waterbag to break or probably it's just time for her baby to come out. Walking will not cause ur waterbag to break. Walking is a must to make you dilate easy later on and especially now that you're in the last stage of pregnancy. I walk alot the entire pregnancy for all 5. I even shifted heavy furnitures at home all alone. Only the 5th one my waterbag broke early as my gynae expected because I had a condition with high amniotic fluid which can make me go into preterm labour. I was admitted and put on bed rest but I still get up and walk. My labour was only 3 hrs. With my other 4, my gynae broke my waterbag.

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