3 Replies

yeah I'm 18 weeks too and I have not felt anything except my own heartbeat when I touch my tummy. I was worried that a miscarriage could have happened without bleeding so I did a pregnancy test again. Thankfully the positive line showed up even as the urine was travelling up the stick. now I'm anxiously waiting for my 20th week scan which feels like an eternity. But I heard from my friend that his wife, a ftm, only felt the baby's movement in her 28th week. so I guess neither of us should worry so much? take care of your health!

thank you so much, that made me feel alot better!

yes it’s perfectly normal especially for ftm. depending on your size and placement of placenta, some mummies feel it a bit later. finger into the belly button is your own heartbeat and not the baby’s 😓 whoever told you that probably doesn’t know. don’t worry so much, only worry after 28 weeks onwards and you can’t feel much

alot of people cannot tell the flutters movements coz it's so so light and non obvious.. but most mums only feel the flutters after 20 weeks..

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