Feeling cold

Hi mummies, i am 12W now but i keep feeling cold whenever there’s abit of aircon 🥲 i’m being told by my family that im actually q weak cos pregnant women normally feels very hot and warm?… help!! #firstmom #firsttimemom #advicepls

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me too! sometimes when i wear socks but in aircon places I still feel cold. i read a post here on the app that it might be iron deficency... i also remember reading somewhere, in tcm, cold feet is like cold womb. so im actually a bit worried. i just went to kkh for my 1st check and mention it to the dr about checking for iron deficency. so we took additional blood test for it i think. i am hoping to maybe see tcm and get some warming herbs once im pass 12 weeks. im still in my 10th week atm.

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Not at all. Perhaps just hormonal changes and body temperature of your body hence you feel the difference. Should you be feeling cold, wear long pants and top with socks on when sleeping.

2y trước

Thank you!!

though some mommies always feel warm,but it is best to wear long pants & socks..you do not want to get the wind absorb into your body.

Don’t worry about it. I’m also like that. Wear socks and long pants to bed. After a day or 2 you will resume back to normal. :)