Body heaty all the time
Hello mummies just a head up. Is it normal to feel heaty mostly on daily basis especially during the day time? I been showering cold water since the day my pregnancy start to heat up to get rid of this stiff body it feels super uncomfortable feeling hot and heat all the time.

My wife body temp is higher during pregnancy, it's normal. But this also means she gets bitten by mosquitoes more often. Do apply mosquitoes repellent often too
Our temperature is higher during pregnancy. Need to keep bb warm. I perspire more too, i don't use to perspire that much before pregnancy. Its normal
Yes its normal. I will also perspire even walking short distance and will sleep with aircon at night. Just make sure u dont get heat rash
Yes due to the blood circulation , our body gets warmer.. same here, I've been showering cold water, drinking cold water as well..
Yes it is common. Don't forget you have another human in you generating heat within your body😂
Yes it’s normal. My wife took cold drinks at times to cool herself.
Its normal... i realised that i perspire even more too now.
Yes my wife feels hotter than normal as well
Yes. I feel I getting hotter each day
Yes it's normal, always perspire