COVID POSITIVE: 29 weeks pregnant

Hi mummies! Have just recovered from covid and would like to share my covid positive story here as i reslized the cases are getting more & there’s not much details on covid in pregnant woman. On 3 Feb 2022 night, i suddenly had the feverish feel + cough. my temperature was 37.6 but i didn’t dare to take any medicine as I know pregnant woman cannot anyhow take medications. So i just do my things and rest as per usual. On 4 Feb 2022 morning, i felt even more sick! my temperature was 38.2 and i’m still coughing (dry cough). self test ART but it was negative. i called my gynae to inform that i’m having a fever + cough but covid negative, and he just ask me to eat NORMAL panadol. I mentioned that baby’s movement got slightly lesser too, he asked me to drink warm water and see if baby got move, if got move means ok la don’t need to worry. I ate normal panadol and rested, temperature kept increase decrease increase decrease but still within the fever range which is above 37.6 degrees. On 4 Feb 2022 night, my husband started to feel feverish and he have dry cough too! his temperature was even higher than me, straight shoot up to 38.7 degrees. We just ate panadol and rest. I recovered from my fever on 5 Feb 2022 morning but i’m still having cough. From 5 Feb 2022 to 8 Feb 2022, my cough is still there and my husband still got fever & cough. we decided to self test ART and we are both POSITIVE! which means i was negative when i’m sick but positive when i’m recovered. So these are the steps we made on 8 Feb 2022 noon after we self tested positive: Step 1: visited this link and find out the nearest Public Health Preparedness Clinics (PHPCs) clinic. Step 2: Called the clinic to confirm if they are able to do swab test on the spot and went down. Step 3: Doctor performed ART & PCR swab on me while he only performed ART on my huaband. (maybe because i’m pregnant la so he perform both swab for me. ) Step 4: Doctor gave me cough syrup (pink colour) & cough medicine. both is safe for pregnant woman. Step 5: Both of us paid $10 each for the whole thing and proceeded home to wait for our result. (ART within 2 hours & PCR within 24 hours. ) On 9 Feb 2022, we both received SMS from MOH and our result is positive. We submitted a acknowledgement form via the SMS link and in the link I ticked that i’m pregnant. We are being placed under Home Recovery Programme, so we self isolated at home. I read online and found out that MOH will refer pregnant woman that are 26 weeks and above to either SGH, KKH or NUH for further check up so I contacted MOH on the day itself and asked if i will be referred to gov hospital but they said no as they have recently changed the rule to 35 weeks pregnant and above then will be referred to hospital. Even though i’m very worried for my baby but somehow i had no choice also la because they don’t encourage us to go to the hospital directly so i just eat my medication and rest and ensure that baby got at least move a bit throughout the day. On 10 Feb 2022 morning, I received a call from MOH and the lady otp asked me if my house is suitable for home recovery or I need to be transferred to a covid 19 facility. I mentioned that i’m staying in a 2 room rental flat with my husband, which means we are unable to isolate in different room or avoid close contact with each other but we are both positive. so the lady said it should be fine la, unless one of us negative then that one no choice, have to send the one that kena positive to covid 19 facility. On 11 Feb 2022 morning, I received a call from iMedic. The lady asked me currently I how many months pregnant, am i feeling ok and asked me what medication was given to me by the GP. In the noon, husband and i went out to the vending machine to collect our free 3 ART test kits. On 12 Feb 2022 morning, I tested negative already. which means i’m able to leave house and resume my activities as i have isolated for more than 72 hours. so i submitted my result online. However, my husband is still positive till 14 Feb 2022 morning. We know that for those recovered from covid 19, we have a grace period of 180 days (if i not wrong) for the booster. Which means we can still go to mall and eat out as per usual. i’m still in fully vaccinated status but my husband is not anymore as he was the first few batch that took the first dose of vaccine. However, there’s no way to prove that we have recovered from covid 19 recently and we are in the grace period. So i called MOH and they gave me a link to request for recovery memo that we must show when we enter mall or eat out. href='/feed/hash/!/61f776e01dc4e100122a36c2'>#!/61f776e01dc4e100122a36c2 Please take note that some clinic will charge for this recovery memo if you request from them, so just fill up the link and MOH will sms you your recovery memo on the same day itself and it’s FREE! I will be going for my monthly baby check up on 18 Feb 2022, I will update on the status of my baby’s health and what doctor say but I believe kena covid while pregnant won’t affect the baby much i guess but I read some oversea articles mentioning that those got covid while pregnant, will give birth earlier. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Ok that’s all for now, sorry for any broken english or slangs but I really hope my covid positive story will be able to help you a bit! Take care and stay safe mummies! Edit: 18 Feb 2022, doctor said that baby is healthy growing fine & said it’s great that I have gotten covid while pregnant so my body will be immune to covid (because usually kena once won’t get second time already) so high chance i won’t be the one passing covid to my baby when she’s out 😂

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