Hospital leave

Hi mummies. Has anyone taken hospitalisation leave before your edd? I am planning to take a week before my edd. Heard from some that doctors will only give if u are in need of it. What reasons did you give the doctor to get HL?#1stimemom #firstbaby #advicepls #pregnancy

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Influencer của TAP

i did not manage to get HL as everything was fine. i think it is only possible to get if you have some high risk symptoms or need bed rest. i cleared my own annual leave instead.

4y trước

thanks for your input. will take note

Super Mom

You can just start your maternity leave one week earlier. Most people go on leave 1-2 weeks before their edd since baby may come out any time from 38 weeks.

4y trước

Pre-maternity can be taken 1 mth in advance if i not wrong

I heard its harder to get if you r in govt hosp. Nonetheless i think it makes sense they give unless u really have some complicated issues or such.

Hi, You can start your leave a week earlier than you maternity leave