3 Replies

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Okay about this. Lactation consultants advise refrigerated cabbages are a good option, but never warm compress. Warm compress will just enlarge the ducts and not reduce the inflammation then the milk will continue to be stuck and built up. I popped ice into ziplock and wrap around thin towel for cold compress also for fast access So engorgement generally happens when the body is oversupplying milk. It took my body two months for the flow to be perfect for my baby and it fills up nicely at every feed about two hours apart. To reduce engorgement, I actually stopped pumping because the body tends to overcompensate thinking baby is drinking more. e.g. baby feed fifteen mins right boob 8am. then baby feeds 930 left boob ten mins. i pump at 20mins in between and continue this all day. the body will keep on producing more and more! so once u stop aka at nap time 10pm to 2am, 3am to 5am u will wake up in pain and breasts will be hard as rocks. i didnt know better back then at the first month la so now at almost six months i have a whole stash of breast milk still unused and about to expire because I've had just nice production for my baby throughout the five months. But then again if u always pump to have enough milk when u go back to work it makes sense for freezer storage. so just watch out for the engorgement and always cold compress to relieve pain and slowly drain your breast. never pump more than fifteen or twenty minutes so we don't hit the cycle of oversupplying >engorgement>pump more> oversupplying again and repeat on top of breastfeeding baby sorry too much words. just my experience! 😬

there’s no saying whether it will be engorged one at a time or both together, engorgement happens because there’s congestion of milk. don’t think it’s necessary. in my one year of breastfeeding, ive only used warm compress and never had mastitis before.

cabbage works best to ease engorgement, can eat somemore

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