Hi mummy! I felt the same way too when I first sent my baby to ifc at 3m old, got to send her every weekday since i work full time. Now she’s 7m old and seems happy to go to ifc every day, I feel more at ease leaving her there.
She never cried at drop off before, I guess they’re too young to have separation anxiety. Over the last few months, I can see improvement in her sleeping pattern, she also becomes less clingy and not scared of strangers. So I have no regrets sending her to ifc. I do miss her when I’m at work, but I tell myself she’s in good hands learning new stuff and having fun, and it’s also good for my mental health to spend some time alone / interacting with colleagues at work.
My ifc is rather old fashioned and their apps don’t provide updates for parents throughout the day, only upload photos of the kids’ activities once in a while. They use a book to record her feeding, diaper change and nap time. But whenever I pick her up, teachers always update me on whether she’s cranky, whether she feeds and sleeps okay etc. so far anything urgent they always call me immediately. So it’s not too bad.
Maybe you can request your ifc to let you come and observe for the first few days, so that at least you know how the teachers are and whether the kids there are well taken care of.